Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Advance Planning

Calendar Entry for September 1, 2011: Commission a skilled seamstress to design and sew four cute and original costumes for Halloween 2011.

Somewhere in recent history the word “homemade” transformed in meaning from being too poor to shop at Walmart to being the symbol of sincere, tenderly devout maternal love. Mothers, who know how to drive a sewing machine and wield a needle and thread, appear to love their children more than I do. Whether or not, these mothers actually care for their children more than I care for mine is far from my chief concern. Perception and impressions are everything, and using my credit card with love is no longer making the right impression.

Just like all my delicious cookies and cakes that come from a slightly above average baker in town, I must find a competent but not too fantastic seamstress or no one believe that I conceived and constructed the festive attire, unless I have a contingency plan.

Calendar Entry for July 17, 2011: Post to blog. “Just started a sewing class at the recreation center. The instructor says, I am the most skilled novice that she has ever encountered. In fact, she speculates that I might be a descendant of Betsy Ross.”

No need to actually enroll in the class. Problem solved.