Tuesday, December 1, 2009

The Phone Call

Each morning, I stuff his backpack, zip his coat, tuck $2.00 in his pocket for hot lunch, give him a kiss and nudge him towards the bus with a few reminders. Don’t pick your nose. Be kind to others. Raise your hand before talking, and don’t hold it too long.

Does he listen to the advice that I gave him for the first five years of his life?

I am not sure.

The phone rings.


“Hi, this is your son’s teacher. Do you have a few minutes?”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“I just wanted to let you know that your son has won the Citizen of the Month Award because of his compassion and empathy for others. He is the only child in our class to pick a special needs student to be his partner, and today he sat with a sick girl on the playground during all of recess.”