Friday, April 16, 2010

Position and Perspective

Opinions on healthcare are proportionally related to the health and well-being of the person forming the opinion. The physically and financially healthy conservative middle class can afford to complain about the burden of healthcare on their wallets after they come home from their staple high paying jobs complete with 401Ks and Cadillac insurance plans and tuck their healthy children in nice warm beds, draped in comforters from Kids Pottery Barn.

So, what happens when they lose their jobs along with their insurance, and someone in the family gets cancer or needs heart surgery? Bet, then, they’ll be thankful for ObamaCare.

Perhaps the fiscal conservatives should drink a few less Starbuck cappuccinos, run around the block instead of going to Bally Total Fitness to see the hotties, and reduce their contributions to Focus on the Family and the Christian Coalition. With those reductions in spending, they won’t even notice a small increase in their taxes to benefit humankind, which should appeal to all those good Christians out there if they are not too busy making posters to save unborn children opposed to helping kids who are already here and are in need.