Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Milk chocolate candy bars, gummy worms, chocolate-covered cherries, or Sour Patch Kids. It doesn’t really matter. I am not that picky about my breakfast. Yes, I said breakfast, so please withdraw that judgment you just passed on me. It’s not like I am cooking up Meth in the garage. I never eat my sugary meal in front of the kids, and I always tell them that I eat a well-balanced breakfast high in protein and loaded with whole grains before they wake. Sometimes my daughter finds the wrappers only to scold with me the words, “Mom, you can’t eat sugar for breakfast and it is not good to lie either.” I refrain saying it is a coping strategy and instead make the kids chocolate chip pancakes covered in blueberry syrup a touch of a powered sugar and a dollop of whipped cream. The mood turns happy (for about three hours).