Monday, March 15, 2010

Internet Safety for Cyberstalkers

There is a lot irrational fear out there about cyberstalking and cyberharrassment. So remember that it could be considered cyberbullying to become Facebook friends with ex-classmates (like the girls who ridiculed your strawberry shortcake panties in 11th gym class and teased you about your unnatural bond and obsession with horses) just so you can ask: “Are you still a bitch who does guys in back allies?” No matter how fun it would be in the moment, it is so not worth the long term consequences. But if you are careful and remember not to hit enter, you can type a message every morning for an adrenaline rush stronger than your usual cup of Earl Grey tea, shot of Red Bull and Snickers bar.

Also, it is clearly not appropriate to blow up a thumbnail of the guy who sat diagonal from you in 10th grade geometry class into multiple 24 x 36 wall posters to hang in your basement studio. Really anything over a 4 x 6 is just plain creepy.

Stayed tuned for tips.