Saturday, July 31, 2010

Praise for Single Parents

Parenthood is tiring. Single parenthood is lonely exhaustion. Meals for just one adult and kids. Bath duty every night alone. Bedtime stories, baseball games, school events, tantrums, potty training, sick kids, teething, dirty bedrooms, bus-stop like bathrooms for the boys, sibling fights, homework, and tattling all handled by one parent.

This is my life Monday through Friday every week.

But unlike real single parents, I do not have to earn the money in addition taking care of the kids and the house. My husband provides for us financially and emotionally when he is gone. When the weekend arrives, hugs, kisses and tickles abound.

It is not always easy but I am not really alone. So, I admire all those single parents out there, both mothers and fathers, who do it all without any support. Raising great kids that will grow into responsible, productive adults is tough; doing it alone is simply miraculous.