Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Garbageman's Daughter Answers Your Questions

Dear Readers:

When I started my blog over two years ago, I was my only reader and my biggest fan. Over time my readership has increased and so have the questions about my blog. So, I wanted to share my answers to the most frequently asked questions:

1. Are you really a Garbageman's Daughter? You bet. My family's garbage business was started about 55 years ago by my grandfather. After his death, my father and brother took ownership. As a teenager, I was embarrassed by my blue collar roots and frequently lied about my dad's profession. I even told a date that my father owned a convenience store. Now I am very proud of my humble roots and that is why I selected The Adventures of the Garbageman's Daughter as the title for my blog.

2. Is your hair as bad in reality as it is in the drawing that advertises your name? Yes and probably much worse. Some may say bad hair is a curse. I say, "It is a trademark." In fact when selecting an image for my blog, I did an online search for "bad hair."

3. Are your children headless? No, my children do indeed have heads. However, I have decided to never show the faces of my children because I am not a mom blogger. As I frequently tell people, I only write about my kids when it is good for my art. Even then, I tend to make them more funny and interesting than they really are. If you know me, you know what my kids look like. If you don't know me, imagine the four most attractive children you have ever seen and make them 10 times better looking. Then, you'll know what my children look like. Luckily, their gorgeous looks compensate for their other shortfalls.

4. What  is your blog about? "About" is a nebulous word. Does it have to be "about" anything? There is no unifying theme to my blog other than the chaos of my mind.

5. Why do some of your blog posts appear, disappear and reappear? Sometimes I write things that were fun or interesting ideas in my head but come out as manure in the written form. Sometimes I pull the manure from the blog, but then I re-post it when I remember that you can't get a beautiful flower without the manure. Bad writing is a necessary step to get good writing. So, I keep the bad stuff as reminder to work harder -- unless the post just really sucks then it disappears forever.

6. Do you get paid to blog? Nope. I write 1,500 word essays just for the fun of it.

7. Do you have plans for your blog or your writing? No. I am a librarian by day and a blogger by night. I have no plans to leave my day job.

8. Why do you hate Michael Jackson? He is and will forever be the King of Pop, why don't you get that? These are two of my favorite questions that get sent to me anytime I write anything somewhat critical of the late pop star. I don't hate Michael Jackson; I just stopped listening to him when was an accused pedophile. After his death, I just couldn't muster up any type of enthusiasm to revisit his music. I prefer to leave my memories of Michael Jackson in the 1980s where they belong.

9. Are your stories true? Sometimes. It is safe to assume that at least three sentences in every post are true. Otherwise, I lie and call it art.

10. Garbageman's Daughter, you are hilarious and I can't get enough.. Are you married? Yep, but thanks for asking.

So, there you have the top ten most commonly ask questions about me and the Adventures of the Garbageman's Daughter. Keep those questions coming.
