Sunday, September 26, 2010

Ask Me, I’ll Give You What You Want

Obscene. Blasphemous. Violent. Smutty. Gory. Profane. Racially Charged. This how they describe it. They say, “No.” They say you can’t have it. They say that they know better. They say they are protecting children and preserving values in the community. They say, “No.”

I say, “Yes.” Yes, you can have what you want. Ask me and I will do my best to give you “obscene, blasphemous, violent, smutty, gory, profane, and racially charged” if that is what you want. If that is not what you want, I will help you find what you do want.

I am librarian. I will protect and defend your right to read what you want, even if you are a minor. Your local librarians will do the same, so give them a visit anytime. Please remember this week is Banned Books Week and a great time to check your local library to celebrate the freedom of reading.