Friday, May 21, 2010

Random Acts of Kindness

I am not the kind of girl who receives drinks from guys in dark, smoky bars.  I am the florescent light kind of girl who attracts men at sandwich shops and grocery stores. In the past few weeks, a man randomly paid for my lunch at Subway and a different man behind me in line at the Safeway paid for my $40 worth of groceries before I had a chance to swipe my debit card.   Although I’ll never know what prompted their actions, I am appreciative for their spontaneous generosity.

Likewise, I am thankful for the outrageously generous anonymous gift card that I received in the mail.  I am pretty sure it is not from a man who is enamored by the way skin looks in the glow of artificial light, so thank you dear friend, whomever you may be. Your kindness and generosity touch my heart.

However, if is it from you, Mr. Obsessive Library Guy with the bowl haircut and the jagged teeth, who asks for my phone number at least once a week, I promise you that the reality can never live up to your sick librarian fantasy.  And by the way, the line, “I am a Unix user and if you come by sometime, I can show you all the goodness it offers” is not hot!