Wednesday, December 22, 2010

The Four Fights of Christmas

Money, the kids, the in-laws and sex – these are things that married couples fight about the most. The frequency and duration of the quarrels intensify during the weeks between Thanksgiving and Christmas.

Money: There is never enough.

Kids: They are spoiled and unappreciative. So, why get them more stuff that they will play with one time and throw in their closets?

In-Laws: Your parents’ house, my parents’ house, or our house for the holidays. Let the turf wars begin.

Sex: Who is in the mood to get freaky with all the arguments about money, the kids and the in-laws?

Then, after weeks of bickering, the holidays are over. The kids throw their toys in the closet; money appears in your bank account; you declare “never again” upon leaving your in-laws house and make-up sex occurs New Year’s Eve.

Calm remains... until the fourth Thursday in November.